This chapter describes Digital Network Architecture Phase IV (DN) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
DN.001 |
Short Syntax: DN.001 event 4.0: Aged pkt loss; source_area. source_node -> destination_area. destination_node
Long Syntax: DN.001 event 4.0: Aged packet loss; packet from source_area. source_node to destination_area. destination_node
Description: A packet has had too many visits through routers going between the specified nodes. If return to sender was requested, the packet will be returned to the originator. Otherwise, it will be dropped.
Cause: The router's EXECUTOR MAXIMUM VISITS is too small.
Action: Increase EXECUTOR MAXIMUM VISITS to be larger the number of hops between the two most distant nodes in the network.
Cause: There is a temporary routing loop due to an unreachable node.
Action: Unless the problem is persistent, there should be no need for corrective action. Routing loops usually go away within a minute when a node goes down.
DN.002 |
Short Syntax: DN.002 event 4.1: Node unreach pkt loss; source_area. source_node -> destination_area. destination_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.002 event 4.1: Node unreachable packet loss; packet from source_area. source_node to destination_area. destination_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: Packet was received on the specified network for unreachable destination. If return to sender was requested, the packet will be returned to the originator. Otherwise, it will be dropped.
Cause: The originator is attempting to contact a non-existent node.
Action: If the originator supplied a host address, it should be corrected. If the originator supplied a host name, the node name to the address translation may be out of date. Use the DEFINE NODE "name" ADDRESS command on the originating node to correct the permanent database.
Cause: There is no route to the destination node in the routing database.
Action: Do a SHOW ACTIVE NODES to see if the destination node is reachable. Check the circuit(s) that could be used to reach this node.
Cause: There is no route to the destination area in the routing database.
Action: Do a SHOW ACTIVE AREA to see if the area of the destination node is reachable. Check the circuit(s) that could be used to reach this area.
DN.003 |
Short Syntax: DN.003 event 4.2: Node out-of-range pkt loss; source_area. source_node -> destination_area. destination_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.003 event 4.2: Node out-of-range packet loss; packet from source_area. source_node to destination_area. destination_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: Packet was received on the specified network for node address beyond EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS. If return to sender was requested, the packet will be returned to the originator. Otherwise, it will be dropped.
Cause: Destination node's EXECUTOR NODE ADDRESS set too high.
Action: Decrease destination node's EXECUTOR NODE ADDRESS.
Cause: The originator is attempting to contact a non-existent node, which also has too high an address.
Action: If the originator supplied a host address, it should be corrected. If the originator supplied a host name, the node name to address translation may be out of date. Use the DEFINE NODE "name" ADDRESS command on the originating node to correct the permanent database.
DN.004 |
Short Syntax: DN.004 event 4.3: Ovsize pkt loss; source_area. source_node -> destination_area. destination_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.004 event 4.3: Oversized packet loss; packet from source_area. source_node to destination_area. destination_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: Packet was received that is larger than the blocksize of the output circuit chosen to the destination. The packet will be dropped.
Cause: Originating host has a larger EXECUTOR BUFFER SIZE than the receiving host can accept.
Action: Correct EXECUTOR BUFFER SIZE on originating host.
Cause: Intervening circuit has too small a packet size.
Action: Ensure that originating host's EXECUTOR BUFFER SIZE is smaller than the circuit with the lowest packet size. (Since Ethernet has the smallest blocksize, this is not likely.)
DN.005 |
Short Syntax: DN.005 event 4.4: Pkt format err; data packet source_area. source_node -> destination_area. destination_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.005 event 4.4: Packet format error; long data packet from source_area. source_node to destination_area. destination_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: A Long Data Packet was received with invalid header data, on the specified circuit. The packet will be dropped.
Cause: First 4 bytes of source or destination ID are not HIORD.
Action: Correct programming error in sending node, or find source of data corruption.
Cause: The reserved D-AREA or S-AREA fields of the long data packet are not zero.
Action: Correct programming error in sending node, or find source of data corruption.
DN.006 |
Short Syntax: DN.006 event 4.4: Pkt format err; endnode hello from source_area. source_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.006 event 4.4: Packet format error; endnode hello message from source_area. source_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: An Endnode Hello Message was received with invalid header data on the specified circuit. The packet will be dropped.
Cause: The node type in the IINFO field is not endnode, or the first 4 bytes of the ID field are not HIORD.
Action: Correct programming error in sending node, or find source of data corruption.
DN.007 |
Short Syntax: DN.007 event 4.4: Pkt format err; lvl router_level route from source_area. source_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.007 event 4.4: Packet format error; level router_level routing message from source_area. source_node circuit number network network_name
Description: A Level 1 or 2 Routing Message was received with a formatting error within the routing data. The packet will be dropped. In the case of an error in the routing data, the data up to the error will be processed.
Cause: The packet ends with a SEGMENT that does not contain as many RTGINFO entries as the COUNT claims.
Action: Correct programming error in sending node, or find source of data corruption.
DN.008 |
Short Syntax: DN.008 event 4.4: Pkt format err; short pkt from source_area. source_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.008 event 4.4: Packet format error; packet too short from source_area. source_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: A packet too short to contain its header was received. The packet will be dropped.
Cause: Long Data Packet less than 21 bytes long (excluding padding).
Cause: Endnode Hello Message less than 31 bytes long.
Cause: Endnode Hello Message not long enough to contain the test data indicated by the byte count in the test data.
Cause: Router Hello Message less than 27 bytes long.
Cause: Routing Message less than 6 bytes long.
Action: Correct programming error in sending node, or find source of data corruption.
DN.009 |
Short Syntax: DN.009 event 4.4: Pkt format err; router hello from source_area. source_node cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.009 event 4.4: Packet format error; router hello message from source_area. source_node circuit number network network_name
Description: A Router Hello Message was received with invalid header data. The packet will be dropped.
Cause: The node type in the INFO field is not level 1 or 2 router, or the first 4 bytes of the ID field are not HIORD.
Action: Correct programming error in sending node, or find source of data corruption.
DN.010 |
Short Syntax: DN.010 event 4.4: Pkt format err; unkn typ, cir number net network_name, hdr first 21 bytes
Long Syntax: DN.010 event 4.4: Packet format error; unknown type, circuit number network network_name, header first 21 bytes
Description: A packet with an invalid or unsupported flags field was received. The first 21 bytes of the header are dumped.
Cause: The first byte of the message is not one of Long Data Packet, Endnode Hello, Router Hello, Level 1 Routing, or Level 2 Routing.
Action: Correct programming error in sending node, or find source of data corruption.
DN.012 |
Short Syntax: DN.012 event 4.4: Pkt format err; vers skew, flags FLAGS, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.012 event 4.4: Packet format error; version skew in long data packet, flags FLAGS, circuit number network network_name
Description: A Long Format Data Packet was received with the version bit set in the flags field. The packet will be dropped.
Cause: Programming error in sending node, or data corruption.
DN.013 |
Short Syntax: DN.013 event 4.5: Part rting upd loss; area area_number from source_area. source_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.013 event 4.5: Partial routing update loss; area area_number in level 2 routing message from source_area. source_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: A Level 2 Routing Message contained reachable routes to area(s) higher than this router's EXECUTOR MAXIMUM AREA. Only the highest reachable area will be logged. Routes to unreachable (infinite cost) areas are not complained about.
Cause: This routers EXECUTOR MAXIMUM AREA is lower than the highest reachable area in the network.
Action: Correct EXECUTOR MAXIMUM AREA, or change area number of offending area.
DN.014 |
Short Syntax: DN.014 event 4.5: Part rting upd loss; node node_number from source_area. source_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.014 event 4.5: Partial routing update loss; node node_number in level 1 routing message from source_area. source_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: A Level 1 Routing Message contained reachable routes to node(s) higher than this router's EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS. Only the highest reachable node will be logged. Routes to unreachable (infinite cost) nodes are not complained about.
Cause: This routers EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS is lower than the highest reachable node in the network.
Action: Correct EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS, or change node number of offending node.
DN.015 |
Short Syntax: DN.015 event 4.11: Init fail; inval data from source_area. source_node cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.015 event 4.11: Initialization failure, line fault; adjacent node listener received invalid data from node source_area. source_node circuit number network network_name
Description: The (optional) test data in an Endnode Hello Message was not valid, differing from the expected test pattern of 252 octal. The adjacency will not be accepted.
Cause: Data corruption on network.
DN.016 |
Short Syntax: DN.016 event 4.13: Init fail; endnode source_area. source_node out of range, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.016 event 4.13: Initialization failure, operator initiated; adjacent endnode source_area. source_node out of range, circuit number network network_name
Description: An Endnode Hello Message was received from the specified node, but its node address exceeds the EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS. No adjacency will be created.
Cause: Endnode node address too high.
Action: Correct endnode node address.
Cause: Router's EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS too low.
Action: Increase router's EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS.
DN.017 |
Short Syntax: DN.017 event 4.13: Init fail; router area. node out of range, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.017 event 4.13: Initialization failure, operator initiated; adjacent router area. node out of range, circuit number network network_name
Description: A Router Hello Message was received from the specified node, but there is a problem with it's node address. The node address exceeds the EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS or the area address exceeds the EXECUTOR MAXIMUM AREA or the node or area number is zero. No adjacency will be created.
Cause: Source router's node address too high.
Action: Correct source router's node address.
Cause: This router's EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS too low.
Action: Increase this router's EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS.
Cause: Source router's area address too high.
Action: Correct source router's area address.
Cause: This router's EXECUTOR MAXIMUM AREA too low.
Action: Increase this router's EXECUTOR MAXIMUM AREA.
Cause: Remote router using node or area 0.
Action: Correct programming error on remote node.
DN.018 |
Short Syntax: DN.018 event 4.13: Init fail; blck sz size too sm frm area. node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.018 event 4.13: Initialization failure, operator initiated; adjacent node block size size too small from router area. node, circuit number network network_name
Description: A router hello is offering a blocksize that is too small to support area routing. The blocksize must be large enough to receive a Level 2 Routing Message with all 63 areas in it. The adjacency will be rejected.
Cause: Adjacent router has a block size less than 80.
Action: Correct block size on adjacent router.
Cause: Software error in adjacent router.
Action: Correct software error.
Cause: Line error causing data corruption.
Action: Examine network error counters.
DN.019 |
Short Syntax: DN.019 event 4.13: Init fail; vers skew ( Version_number. ECO_number. user_ECO_number) node area. node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.019 event 4.13: Initialization failure; version skew ( Version_number. ECO_number. user_ECO_number) node area. node, cir number net network_name
Description: A Router Hello Message was received with a Routing Layer version number lower than 2.0.0. No adjacency will be created. (Messages with version numbers exceeding 2.0.0 are dropped silently, per the DECnet specifications.)
Cause: Attempt to have adjacency with Phase III router.
Action: Adjacencies with Phase III routers are not supported, reconfigure network.
DN.020 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.020 event 4.14: Node reach change; node area. node reachable
Long Syntax: DN.020 event 4.14: Node reachability change; node area. node reachable
Description: The specified node is now reachable, either due to an endnode adjacency with the node, or by being included in a Level 1 Routing Message.
DN.021 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.021 event 4.14: Node reach change; node area. node unreachable
Long Syntax: DN.021 event 4.14: Node reachability change; node area. node unreachable
Description: The specified node is now unreachable.
Cause: Circuit to the node down.
Action: See if earlier message was circuit down (Event 5.0).
Cause: Endnode adjacency down.
Action: See if earlier message was adjacency down (Event 4.18). Could be due to node down, or due to failure of network connection on that machine.
Cause: Intervening node down.
Action: See if the necessary routers are reachable.
Cause: Node down.
Action: Verify whether node is up.
Cause: Cost to node exceeds EXECUTOR MAXIMUM COST.
Action: Verify that EXECUTOR MAXIMUM COST is large enough to span the network.
Cause: Cost to node exceeds EXECUTOR MAXIMUM HOPS.
Action: Verify that EXECUTOR MAXIMUM HOPS is large enough to span the network.
DN.022 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.022 event 4.15: Adj up; new endnode area. node cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.022 event 4.15: Adjacency up; new endnode area. node circuit number network network_name
Description: There is now an adjacency with the specified endnode on the specified network.
Cause: Received valid endnode hello message.
DN.023 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.023 event 4.15: Adj up; new router area. node cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.023 event 4.15: Adjacency up; new router area. node circuit number network network_name
Description: There is now an adjacency with the specified router on one of the directly connected networks. Level 1 (and 2) Routing Messages will now be accepted from this node.
Cause: Received valid router hello message containing this router's node-id in the R/S-LIST.
DN.024 |
Short Syntax: DN.024 event 4.16: Adj rej; table full for endnode area. node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.024 event 4.16: Adjacency rejected; table too full for endnode area. node, circuit number network network_name
Description: An Endnode Hello Message has been received from a new endnode, but there are too many endnode adjacencies, and the table is full. No adjacency will be created until another endnode adjacency times out.
Cause: There are more than EXECUTOR MAXIMUM BROADCAST NONROUTERS endnodes with adjacencies to this router.
DN.025 |
Short Syntax: DN.025 event 4.16: Adj rej; table full for rtr source, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.025 event 4.16: Adjacency rejected; table too full for router source, circuit number network network_name
Description: A Router Hello Message has been received from a new router, but there are too many router adjacencies, and the table is full. No adjacency will be created until another router adjacency times out. No routes will be accepted from this router, since there is no adjacency.
Cause: There are more than EXECUTOR MAXIMUM BROADCAST ROUTERS endnodes with adjacencies to this router.
DN.026 |
Short Syntax: DN.026 event 4.16: Adj rej; too many rtrs for node source, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.026 event 4.16: Adjacency rejected; too many routers for node source, circuit number network network_name
Description: A Router Hello Message has been received from a new router on the specified circuit, but there are too many router adjacencies on this circuit, and the table is full. No adjacency will be created until another router adjacency on this circuit times out. No routes will be accepted from this router, since there is no adjacency.
Cause: There are more than CIRCUIT MAXIMUM ROUTERS endnodes with adjacencies to this router.
DN.027 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.027 event 4.17: Area reach change; area area reachable
Long Syntax: DN.027 event 4.17: Area reachability change; area area reachable
Description: The specified area is now reachable due to being included in a Level 2 Routing Message.
DN.028 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.028 event 4.17: Area reach change; area area unreachable
Long Syntax: DN.028 event 4.17: Area reachability change; area area unreachable
Description: The specified area is now unreachable, due to a circuit going down, a router adjacency timing out, an endnode adjacency timing out, or by the cost to that node exceeding EXECUTOR MAXIMUM COST. A preceding message should indicate the cause.
Cause: Circuit to the area down.
Action: See if earlier message was circuit down (Event 5.0).
Cause: Adjacent router down.
Action: See if earlier message was adjacency down (Event 4.18) for the router to the area.
Cause: Intervening router down.
Action: See if the necessary routers are reachable.
Cause: Cost to area exceeds EXECUTOR AREA MAXIMUM COST.
Action: Verify that EXECUTOR AREA MAXIMUM COST is large enough to span the network.
Cause: Hops to area exceeds EXECUTOR AREA MAXIMUM HOPS.
Action: Verify that EXECUTOR AREA MAXIMUM HOPS is large enough to span the network.
DN.029 |
Short Syntax: DN.029 event 4.18: Adj dwn; invalid data from area. node cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.029 event 4.18: Adjacency down, line fault; adjacent node listener received invalid data from node area. node circuit number network network_name
Description: The (optional) test data in an Endnode Hello Message was not valid, differing from the expected test pattern of 252 octal. The adjacency will be taken down.
Cause: Data corruption on network, or software error in remote node.
DN.030 |
Short Syntax: DN.030 event 4.18: Adj dwn: node area. node chng to endnode, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.030 event 4.18: Adjacency down: node area. node changed to endnode, circuit number network network_name
Description: An Endnode Hello Message has been received from a node that had previously been a router adjacency. The existing router adjacency will be taken down, and an endnode adjacency created.
Cause: This would occur if the type of the of the adjacent node was changed quickly.
Action: Do not change node types without taking them down first.
Cause: Two nodes of different type at the same address.
Action: Ensure that node ID's are unique.
DN.031 |
Short Syntax: DN.031 event 4.18: Adj dwn: router area. node chng type, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.031 event 4.18: Adjacency down: router area. node changed type, cir number net network_name
Description: A Router Hello Message has been received from a node whose existing adjacency was for the other type of router (level 1 versus level 2). The existing router adjacency will be taken down, and a new router adjacency created.
Cause: The type of the adjacent node was chnaged quickly.
Action: Do not change node types without taking them down first.
Cause: Two nodes of different type at the same address.
Action: Ensure that node ID's are unique.
DN.032 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.032 event 4.18: Adj dwn; cir number net network_name down to node area. node
Long Syntax: DN.032 event 4.18: Adjacency down; circuit number network network_name down to node area. node
Description: The specified adjacency has gone down. All routes through this adjacency will be deleted.
Cause: The associated circuit has gone down.
Action: See if earlier message was circuit down (Event 5.0).
Cause: A Router Hello Message was received from a higher priority router.
Action: See if earlier message was adjacency reject (Event 4.16).
DN.033 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.033 event 4.18: Adj dwn; node area. node, cir number net network_name timed out
Long Syntax: DN.033 event 4.18: Adjacency down; node area. node, circuit number network network_name timed out
Description: The specified adjacency has gone down because a Router Hello Message has not been heard from the adjacency for three times the hello time presented in the adjacency's Router Hello Message (the adjacency's CIRCUIT HELLO TIMER). All routes through this adjacency will be deleted.
Cause: Node down.
Action: Check status of node.
Cause: Node disconnected from network.
Action: Check circuit and line status on node.
DN.034 |
Short Syntax: DN.034 event 4.18: Adj dwn; lvl 1 route from area. node, cir number net network_name, cksum received_checksum, expct correct_checksum
Long Syntax: DN.034 event 4.18: Adjacency down; lvl 1 route from area. node, circuit number network network_name, checksum received_checksum, expected correct_checksum
Description: A Level 1 Routing Message was received with an invalid checksum. The packet will be dropped, and the adjacency with the router will be taken down.
Cause: Data corruption error.
Action: Check network error counters.
Cause: Programming error at remote node.
Action: See if error is consistent from a particular node.
DN.035 |
Short Syntax: DN.035 event 4.18: Adj dwn; lvl 2 route from area. node, cir number net network_name, cksum received_checksum, expct correct_checksum
Long Syntax: DN.035 event 4.18: Adjacency down; lvl 2 route from area. node, circuit number network network_name, checksum received_checksum, expected correct_checksum
Description: A Level 2 Routing Message was received with an invalid checksum. The packet will be dropped, and the adjacency with the router will be taken down.
Cause: Data corruption error.
Action: Check network error counters.
Cause: Programming error at remote node.
Action: See if error is consistent from a particular node.
DN.036 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.036 event 4.19: Adj dwn: dropped by rtr area. node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.036 event 4.19: Adjacency down, operator initiated: dropped by router area. node, circuit number network network_name
Description: A Router Hello Message has been received from a router that we have an adjacency with, but does not include our address in the router state list. The adjacency will be taken down, and will not come back up until our address is in the router state list.
Cause: Adjacent router restarted.
Cause: One-way communication. While this router can receive packets from the adjacent router, the adjacent router cannot receive packets from this router.
Action: Ensure that there is two-way communication on the circuit.
DN.037 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.037 event 5.0: Circ dwn; cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.037 event 5.0: Circuit down; cir number net network_name
Description: A circuit has gone down. All adjacencies via this circuit will be taken down.
Cause: Self-test failure.
Action: Look for self-test error messages, check status of interface.
Cause: Disabling circuit via CGWCON, by the SET CIRCUIT STATE OFF command, or by the SET EXECUTOR STATE OFF command.
DN.038 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.038 event 5.0: Circ up; cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.038 event 5.0: Circuit up; cir number net network_name
Description: A circuit has gone up, due either to enabling the circuit via CGWCON, due to a self-test success, by the NCP SET CIRCUIT STATE ON command, or by the NCP SET EXECUTOR STATE ON command. The router will start sending router hellos on the circuit.
DN.039 |
Short Syntax: DN.039 event 5.14: Send fail; rsn reason_code, source -> destination cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.039 event 5.14: Send failure on line; reason reason_code, packet from source to destination cir number net network_name
Description: The sending of a packet being forwarded failed. The reason_code is the internal error code for the failure.
Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)
Action: Check for error messages from handler for network_name.
Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)
Action: Alleviate congestion.
Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)
Action: See why handler thinks network is down.
Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)
Action: Check configuration.
Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)
Action: See why handler thinks host is down.
DN.040 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.040 source -> destination
Long Syntax: DN.040 Forwarding packet from source to destination
Description: Forwarding a packet from one node to another.
DN.041 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.041 MOP Req ID pkt rcvd frm MAC_address cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.041 MOP Request ID packet received from node MAC_address circuit number network network_name
Description: A DECnet Maintenance Operations Protocol MOP Request System ID packet was received from the specified node. A MOP System ID packet will be sent to the requester's address.
DN.042 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.042 MOP Sys ID pkt rcvd frm MAC_address cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.042 MOP System ID packet received from node MAC_address circuit number network network_name
Description: A DECnet MOP System ID packet was received from the specified node.
DN.043 |
Short Syntax: DN.043 MOP pkt rcvd unk opc opcode frm MAC_address cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.043 MOP packet received unknown opcode opcode from node MAC_address cir number net network_name
Description: DECnet MOP (Maintenance Operations Protocol) packet received with unsupported opcode from specified node. The packet will be ignored.
Cause: Programming error on remote note.
Cause: Data corruption.
DN.045 |
Short Syntax: DN.045 acc cnt bad rec, cir number net network_name, purge
Long Syntax: DN.045 Access control bad SRAM record, circuit number network network_name, purge
Description: There is a faulty access control record in the permanent database for this circuit.
DN.046 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.046 acc cont fail source -> destination cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.046 Access control failed, packet from source to destination circuit number network network_name
Description: A packet was not forwarded between the two hosts due to access control restrictions. If Request Return to Sender was set in the header, the packet will be returned to the sender, otherwise it will be dropped.
Cause: User attempting to contact host is restricted by access control.
DN.047 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.047 desig router chng frm old_router to new_router, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.047 Designated router changed from old_router to new_router, circuit number network network_name
Description: Designated router for this circuit has changed.
Cause: New router adjacency with higher router priority on circuit, or same router priority and higher node address.
DN.048 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.048 desig router address select, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.048 Designated router address selected, circuit number network network_name
Description: There is now a designated router for this circuit, where there had not been one before.
DN.049 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.049 endnode hello len packet_length from node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.049 endnode hello length packet_length from node, circuit number network network_name
Description: Received endnode hello message from specified endnode.
DN.050 |
Short Syntax: DN.050 executor node address area. node exceeds MAX ADDRESS max_address
Long Syntax: DN.050 executor node address area. node exceeds EXECUTOR MAX ADDRESS max_address
Description: The EXECUTOR ADDRESS stored in the permanent database exceeds the EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS stored in the permanent database. DECnet will be left off, but the database will be allocated.
DN.051 |
Short Syntax: DN.051 executor node address area. node exceeds MAX AREA max_node
Long Syntax: DN.051 executor node address area. node exceeds EXECUTOR MAX AREA max_node
Description: The area of the EXECUTOR ADDRESS stored in the permanent database exceeds the EXECUTOR MAXIMUM AREA stored in the permanent database. DECnet will be left off, but the database will be allocated.
DN.053 |
Short Syntax: DN.053 inp que ovflow data source -> destination cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.053 Input queue overflow data packet from source to destination circuit number network network_name
Description: The DECnet input queue overflowed for incoming Long Format Data packet. The packet will be dropped.
Cause: Too much traffic for forwarder to forward.
Action: Adjust circuit costs to balance traffic between paths. Reconfigure network. Increase speed of router.
Cause: Inadquate buffer resources.
Action: Examine memory statistics in GWCON. More buffers can be made available by ensuring that DECnet configuration does not have excess adjacency memory allocated.
Action: Increase memory.
DN.054 |
Short Syntax: DN.054 inp que ovflow multicast from source cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.054 Input queue overflow multicast from source circuit number network network_name
Description: The DECnet input queue overflowed for incoming routing or hello multicast packet. The packet will be dropped.
Cause: Too much traffic for forwarder to forward.
Action: Adjust circuit costs to balance traffic between paths. Reconfigure network. Increase speed of router.
Cause: Inadequate buffer resources.
Action: Examine memory statistics in GWCON. More buffers can be made available by ensuring that DECnet configuration does not have excess adjacency memory allocated.
Action: Increase memory.
DN.055 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.055 lvl 1 rte pkt from source ign, cir number net network_name, no adjacency
Long Syntax: DN.055 Level 1 routing message from source ignored, circuit number network network_name, no adjacency with router
Description: A Level 1 Routing Message was received from a router that does not have an active adjacency with this router. The routing packet will not be processed.
Cause: This will happen occasionally when the other router develops an adjacency with this router before this one does.
Action: No action needed unless message is persistent.
DN.056 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.056 lvl 1 rte pkt len received_length from source, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.056 Level 1 routing packet length received_length from source, circuit number network network_name
Description: A Level 1 Routing Message was received from the specified router.
DN.057 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.057 lvl 2 rte pkt from source ign, cir number net network_name, no adjacency
Long Syntax: DN.057 Level 2 routing message from source ignored, circuit number network network_name, no adjacency with router
Description: A Level 2 Routing Message was received from a router that does not have an active adjacency with this router. The routing packet will not be processed.
Cause: This will happen occassionally when the other router develops an adjacency with this router before this one does.
Action: No action needed unless message is persistent.
Cause: Level 2 routing message sent by level 1 router.
Action: Correct software error at sending router.
DN.058 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.058 lvl 2 rte pkt len received_length from source, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.058 Level 2 routing packet length received_length from source, circuit number network network_name
Description: A Level 2 Routing Message was received from the specified router.
DN.059 |
Short Syntax: DN.059 no buffer for hello on cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.059 No buffer to build hello packet to send on circuit number network network_name
Description: No packet buffer was available to construct and send a Router Hello Message.
Cause: Severe packet buffer shortage.
Action: Check memory statistics in GWCON to verify packet buffer level. If possible, make routing tables smaller. In DECnet, this is done by minimizing the number of adjacencies allowed. (Configure EXECUTOR MAXIMUM BROADCAST ROUTERS and EXECUTOR MAXIMUM BROADCAST NONROUTERS to minimum appropriate values.) If routing tables cannot be made smaller, increase memory size.
Cause: Traffic peak using all available buffers.
Action: This is the problem if this message occurs very infrequently.
DN.060 |
Short Syntax: DN.060 no buffer for lvl 1 rte on cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.060 No buffer to build level 1 routing message to send on circuit number network network_name
Description: No packet buffer was available to construct and send a Level 1 Routing Message.
Cause: Severe packet buffer shortage.
Action: Check memory statistics in GWCON to verify packet buffer level. If possible, make routing tables smaller. In DECnet, this is done by minimizing the number of adjacencies allowed. (Configure EXECUTOR MAXIMUM BROADCAST ROUTERS and EXECUTOR MAXIMUM BROADCAST NONROUTERS to minimum appropriate values.) If routing tables cannot be made smaller, increase memory size.
Cause: Traffic peak using all available buffers.
Action: This is the problem if this message occurs very infrequently.
DN.061 |
Short Syntax: DN.061 no buffer for lvl 2 rte on cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.061 No buffer to build level 2 routing message to send on circuit number network network_name
Description: No packet buffer was available to construct and send a Level 2 Routing Message.
Cause: Severe packet buffer shortage.
Action: Check memory statistics in GWCON to verify packet buffer level. If possible, make routing tables smaller. In DECnet, this is done by minimizing the number of adjacencies allowed. (Configure EXECUTOR MAXIMUM BROADCAST ROUTERS and EXECUTOR MAXIMUM BROADCAST NONROUTERS to minimum appropriate values.) If routing tables cannot be made smaller, increase memory size.
Cause: Traffic peak using all available buffers.
Action: This is the problem if this message occurs very infrequently.
DN.062 |
Short Syntax: DN.062 no memory for NCP circuit name table
Long Syntax: DN.062 No memory for building NCP circuit name table
Description: No memory was available to build the circuit name table for NCP at start time.
Cause: There is some configuration error causing a grave memory shortage.
Action: Reduce memory demand by making routing tables smaller, or getting more memory.
DN.063 |
Short Syntax: DN.063 no memory for routing tables ( number bytes req), DECnet disabled
Long Syntax: DN.063 No Memory for building routing tables ( number bytes required), DECnet disabled
Description: The routing tables required more memory than was available. DECnet is disabled.
Cause: Parameters that determine size of routing database are too large for actual network configuration.
Cause: Inadequate memory size.
Action: Upgrade for more memory.
DN.064 |
Short Syntax: DN.064 packet received on down cir number net network_name, dropped
Long Syntax: DN.064 Packet received on down circuit number network network_name, packet dropped
Description: Received a data packet on a circuit or rotuer that does not have DECnet enabled. The packet will be dropped.
DN.066 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.066 returning packet to sender sender <- original_destination
Long Syntax: DN.066 returning packet to sender sender from original_destination
Description: A data packet could not reach the destination, and had the Request Return to Sender bit set in the header. It is being returned to the sender.
Cause: Should be explained by a previous message, such as Events 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3.
Action: See action in causative message.
DN.067 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.067 router hello len received_length from source, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.067 Router hello length received_length received from source, circuit number network network_name
Description: A Router Hello Message was received from the specified router.
DN.068 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.068 sending desig rtr hello on cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.068 Sending designated router hello on circuit number network network_name
Description: A Router Hello Message is being sent to the ALLENDNODES address, as this router is the designated router on the specified circuit.
DN.069 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.069 sending hello on cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.069 Sending router hello on circuit number network network_name
Description: A Router Hello Message is being sent to the ALLROUTERS address on the specified circuit.
DN.070 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.070 sending lvl 1 rte on cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.070 Sending level 1 routing message on circuit number network network_name
Description: A Level 1 Routing Message is being sent to the ALLROUTERS address on the specified circuit.
DN.071 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.071 sending lvl 2 rte on cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.071 Sending level 2 routing message on circuit number network network_name
Description: A Level 2 Routing Message is being sent to the ALLROUTERS address on the specified circuit.
DN.072 |
Short Syntax: DN.072 too many router adjacencies total_adjacencies, NBRA = maximum_adjacencies
Long Syntax: DN.072 Too many router adjacencies configured, sum = total_adjacencies, NBRA = maximum_adjacencies
Description: The permanent database has been configured such that the sum of CIRCUIT MAXIMUM ROUTERS for all circuits exceeds EXECUTOR MAXIMUM BROADCAST ROUTERS. This error is non-fatal, but new values should be DEFINED, and the gateway restarted.
Action: This is the usual problem, especially on Serial Line interfaces, where there can only be one router adjacency.
Action: This is not normally the problem, as the default is 32, which is quite generous.
DN.073 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.073 new 1-way adj sender cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.073 new 1-way adjacency with node sender on circuit number network network_name
Description: We have just received a router hello message from the specified router, but our address is not in the router/state list of the hello message. We have a one-way adjacency with this router, it will not be two-way until our address is in the router/state list.
Cause: New node came up.
Action: None required unless adjacency never reaches two way. This should happen shortly. If it does not, it may indicate that our address is beyond the other routers EXECUTOR MAXIMUM ADDRESS.
DN.074 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.074 1-way adj sender timed out cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.074 1-way adjacency with node sender timed out on circuit number network network_name
Description: We have stopped receiving router hellos without our node address in the router/state list from the specified router. The timeout is three times the hello timer that was specified in the last router hello from this router. The partial adjacency with this router will be eliminated.
Cause: New node never came up all the way.
DN.075 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.075 Pkt for me frm sender
Long Syntax: DN.075 Packet for me from node sender
Description: We have received a packet addressed to us. It will be checked to see what transport protocol it is for.
DN.076 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.076 NSP unsupp msg type msgflg frm sender
Long Syntax: DN.076 NSP unsupported message type msgflg from node sender
Description: We have received an NSP packet of a message type that we do not process. Only Connect Initiate Messages are processed.
DN.077 |
Short Syntax: DN.077 Unk trans type msgflg from sender
Long Syntax: DN.077 Unknown transport protocol type msgflgfrom ndoe sender
Description: We have received a data packet that is not for the NSP transport protocol.
DN.078 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: DN.078 NSP conn init from sender, reject
Long Syntax: DN.078 NSP Connect Initiate Message received from node sender, rejecting
Description: An NSP Connect Initiate or Retransmitted Connect Initiate Message was received from the specified node. A Disconnect Initiate message will be sent in return, with a Session Reject error code of 4 (destination end user does not exist).
Cause: User on remote machine attempted to initiate an NSP connection, but there are no Session clients supported in the router.
DN.079 |
Short Syntax: DN.079 endnode hello from sender cir number net network_name dup addr w/self, ign
Long Syntax: DN.079 endnode hello from node sender circuit number network network_name, duplicate address with self, ignoring
Description: An Endnode Hello Message was received from a node with the same DECnet address as this router. Since duplicate node addresses are not allowed, and the router is more important, the hello message will be ignored.
Cause: User configuration error.
Action: Change DECnet node address.
DN.080 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.080 MOP Req Cnt pkt rcvd frm MAC_address cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.080 MOP Request Counters packet received from node MAC_address circuit number network network_name
Description: A DECnet Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) Request Counters packet was received from the specified node. A MOP Counters packet will be sent to the requester's address.
DN.081 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.081 MOP Cnt pkt snt to MAC_address cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.081 MOP Counters packet sent to node MAC_address circuit number network network_name
Description: A DECnet Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) Counters packet is being sent to the specified address.
DN.082 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.082 MOP Sys ID pkt snt to MAC_address cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.082 MOP System ID packet sent to node MAC_address circuit number network network_name
Description: A DECnet Maintenance Operations System ID packet is being sent to the specified address.
DN.083 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: DN.083 MOP Sys ID pkt snt to MOP cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.083 MOP System ID packet sent to MOP circuit number network network_name
Description: A DECnet Maintenance Operations Protocol System ID packet is being sent to the MOP multicast address AB-00-00-02-00-00.
DN.084 |
Short Syntax: DN.084 MOP Cnt Req frm MAC_address not supp on cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.084 MOP Cnt Req from node MAC_address not supported on circuit number network network_name
Description: A DECnet Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) Request Counters was received from the specified host, but there is no support for the MOP Counters message on this circuit.
DN.085 |
Short Syntax: DN.085 Ph IV rtr hlo wo bilingual rtr frm node_number on cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.085 Ph IV router hello without bilingual router from node_number on circuit number network network_name
Description: A DECnet Phase IV broadcast router hello was received on a circuit that was configured for Phase IV' only.
Cause: Router is receiving Phase IV broadcast router hello packets on a network that should only have Phase IV' packets
Action: Router must be configured for both Phase IV and Phase IV' to receive the broadcast router hello packets from a Phase IV router.
DN.086 |
Short Syntax: DN.086 Ph IV ennd hlo wo bilingual rtr frm node_number on cir circut_number net node_name
Long Syntax: DN.086 Ph IV endnode hello without bilingual router from node_number on circuit circut_number network node_name
Description: A DECnet Phase IV broadcast endnode hello was received on a circuit that was configured for Phase IV' only.
Cause: The router is receiving Phase IV broadcast endnode hello packets on a network that should only have Phase IV' packets.
Action: The router must be configured for both Phase IV and Phase IV' to receive the broadcast endnode hello packets from a Phase IV endnode.
DN.087 |
Short Syntax: DN.087 Ph IV' rtr hlo wo bilingual or ama rtr frm node_number on cir circut_number net node_name
Long Syntax: DN.087 Ph IV' router hello without bilingual or ama router from node_number on circuit circut_number network node_name
Description: A DECnet Phase IV' broadcast router hello was received on a circuit that was configured for Phase IV only.
Cause: The router is receiving Phase IV' broadcast router hello packets on a network that should only have Phase IV packets.
Action: The router must be configured for Phase IV' to receive the broadcast endnode hello packets from a Phase IV' endnode.
DN.088 |
Short Syntax: DN.088 Ph IV' ennd hlo wo bilingual or ama rtr frm node_number on cir circut_number net node_name
Long Syntax: DN.088 Ph IV' endnode hello without bilingual or ama router from node_number on circuit circut_number network node_name
Description: A DECnet Phase IV' broadcast endnode hello was received on a circuit that was configured for Phase IV only.
Cause: The router is receiving Phase IV' broadcast endnode hello packets on a network that should only have Phase IV packets.
Action: The router must be configured for Phase IV' to receive the broadcast endnode hello packets from a Phase IV' endnode.
DN.089 |
Short Syntax: DN.089 Unkn ennd hlo format frm node_number on cir circut_number net node_name
Long Syntax: DN.089 Unknown endnode hello message format from node_number on circuit circut_number network node_name
Description: The router received an Endnode Hello Message with unknown format.
Cause: Some station is sending a message with this format.
Action: Determine the errant node from this message and inform the manufacturer that this node is sending hello messages of unknown format.
DN.090 |
Short Syntax: DN.090 Cannot bld lvl 1 rte on cir number net network_name, blk sz too small - block_size
Long Syntax: DN.090 Cannot build level 1 routing message on circuit number, network network_name, block size too small - block_size
Description: A Level 1 Routing Message cannot be built because the circuit's minimum block size is too small.
DN.091 |
Short Syntax: DN.091 Send fail for hello, rsn reason_code, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.091 Send failed for router hello packet, reason reason_code, on circuit number network network_name
Description: The transmission of a router hello packet failed on the specified circuit for the reason number given in reason_code. Occasional occurrences of this will not disrupt the protocol, but continuing occurrences will disrupt the protocol.
Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)
Action: Check for error messages from handler for network_name.
Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)
Action: Alleviate congestion.
Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)
Action: See why handler thinks network is down.
Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)
Action: Check configuration.
Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)
Action: See why handler thinks host is down.
DN.092 |
Short Syntax: DN.092 Send fail for lvl 1 rte, rsn reason_code, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.092 Send failed for level 1 routing message, reason reason_code, on circuit number network network_name
Description: The transmission of a Level 1 Routing Message failed on the specified circuit for the reason number given in reason_code. Occasional occurrences of this will not disrupt the protocol, but continuing occurrences will disrupt the protocol.
Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)
Action: Check for error messages from handler for network_name.
Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)
Action: Alleviate congestion.
Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)
Action: See why handler thinks network is down.
Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)
Action: Check configuration.
Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)
Action: See why handler thinks host is down.
DN.093 |
Short Syntax: DN.093 Send fail for lvl 2 rte, rsn reason_code, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.093 Send failed for level 2 routing message, reason reason_code, on circuit number network network_name
Description: The transmission of a Level 2 Routing Message failed on the specified circuit for the reason number given in reason_code. Occasional occurrences of this will not disrupt the protocol, but continuing occurrences will disrupt the protocol.
Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)
Action: Check for error messages from handler for network_name.
Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)
Action: Alleviate congestion.
Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)
Action: See why handler thinks network is down.
Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)
Action: Check configuration.
Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)
Action: See why handler thinks host is down.
DN.094 |
Short Syntax: DN.094 Send fail for MOP message_type, rsn reason_code, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.094 Send failed for MOP message_type message, reason reason_code, on circuit number network network_name
Description: The transmission of a MOP message failed on the specified circuit for the reason number given in reason_code. The message_type is one of ``System ID'' or ``Counters.'' Occasional occurrences of this will not disrupt the protocol, but continuing occurrences will disrupt the protocol.
Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)
Action: Check for error messages from handler for network_name.
Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)
Action: Alleviate congestion.
Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)
Action: See why handler thinks network is down.
Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)
Action: Check configuration.
Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)
Action: See why handler thinks host is down.
Check dnrouttype |
Short Syntax: Unknown circuit router type.
Description: The circuit router type is unknown.
Cause: Data corruption, probably from coding error.
Check dnrfgtl |
Short Syntax: DN routes() called with first > last
Description: The dnroute routine was called with an invalid node address range.
Cause: Internal consistency error.
Action: Report to customer service, preferably with a core dump.
Check dnrbeaf |
Short Syntax: DN routes() BEA optimization failed
Description: The dnroute routine has computed a route via a broadcast circuit, rather than via a router or endnode.
Cause: Internal consistency error.
Action: Report to customer service, preferably with a core dump.
Check dnarfgtl |
Short Syntax: DN Aroutes() called with first > last
Description: The dnAroute routine was called with an invalid area range.
Cause: Internal consistency error.
Action: Report to customer service, preferably with a core dump.
Check dnmembug |
Short Syntax: DN no memory for table
Description: An allocation of memory for the routing tables failed, but a check of free memory had indicated that there should be enough memory.
Cause: Internal consistency check.
Action: Report to customer service, preferably with a core dump.
Fatal dnadbadarg |
Short Syntax: DN bad arg to dnadjdown()
Description: The dnadjdown routine was asked to remove an adjacency that was not a router or an endnode.
Cause: Internal consistency error.
Action: Report to customer service, preferably with a core dump.
Fatal dnacnmr |
Short Syntax: DN no mem to read acc cntl
Description: There is no memory available to read the access control lists from the permanent database.
Cause: Severe memory shortage.
Action: Reduce sizes of routing tables to use less memory, or add additional memory.
Fatal dnacnmsac |
Short Syntax: DN no mem to store acc cntl
Description: There is no memory available to store the access control lists for use.
Cause: Severe memory shortage.
Action: Reduce sizes of routing tables to use less memory, or add addtional memory.
Fatal dnacnmcac |
Short Syntax: DN no mem for acc cntl
Description: There is no memory available to build the access control list.
Cause: Severe memory shortage.
Action: Reduce sizes of routing tables to use less memory, or add additional memory.
Fatal dncnmrfi |
Short Syntax: DN no mem for dnrfin
Description: There is no memory available to build the circuit input routing filter table.
Cause: Severe memory shortage.
Action: Reduce sizes of routing tables to use less memory, or add additional memory.
Fatal dncnmrfo |
Short Syntax: DN no mem for dnrfout
Description: There is no memory available to build the circuit output routing filter table.
Cause: Severe memory shortage.
Action: Reduce sizes of routing tables to use less memory, or add additional memory.
Fatal dncnmci |
Short Syntax: DN no mem for dnccti init
Description: There is no memory available to build the circuit volatile database.
Cause: Severe memory shortage.
Action: Reduce sizes of routing tables to use less memory, or add additional memory.
Panic dnrtcrtos |
Short Syntax: DN routing table corrupt: routes to self
Description: The routing database consistency checker has detected an inconsistency in the routing database. The router will be restarted.
Cause: Memory corruption.
Action: Configure for core dump, and report to customer service.
Cause: Internal software error.
Action: Configure for core dump, and report to customer service.
Panic dnrtcarts |
Short Syntax: DN routing table corrupt: area routes to self
Description: The routing database consistency checker has detected an inconsistency in the routing database. The router will be restarted.
Cause: Memory corruption.
Action: Configure for core dump, and report to customer service.
Cause: Internal software error.
Action: Configure for core dump, and report to customer service.
Panic dnrtcrths |
Short Syntax: DN routing table corrupt: routes through self
Description: The routing database consistency checker has detected an inconsistency in the routing database. The router will be restarted.
Cause: Memory corruption.
Action: Configure for core dump, and report to customer service.
Cause: Internal software error.
Action: Configure for core dump, and report to customer service.
Panic dnrtcrtas |
Short Syntax: DN routing table corrupt: route to area self
Description: The routing database consistency checker has detected an inconsistency in the routing database. The router will be restarted.
Cause: Memory corruption.
Action: Configure for core dump, and report to customer service.
Cause: Internal software error.
Action: Configure for core dump, and report to customer service.
Panic dnrtcartas |
Short Syntax: DN routing table corrupt: area route to area self
Description: The routing database consistency checker has detected an inconsistency in the routing database. The router will be restarted.
Cause: Memory corruption.
Action: Configure for core dump, and report to customer service.
Cause: Internal software error.
Action: Configure for core dump, and report to customer service.
DN.095 |
Short Syntax: DN.095 inp que ovflow data source -> destination cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.095 Input queue overflow data packet from source to destination circuit number network network_name
Description: The DECnet input queue overflowed for incoming Short Format Data packet. The forwarder drops the packet.
Cause: There is too much traffic for the forwarder.
Action: Adjust circuit costs to balance traffic between paths. Reconfigure network. Increase speed of router.
Cause: Inadquate buffer resources.
Action: Examine memory statistics in GWCON. To make more buffers available, ensure that the DECnet configuration does not have excess adjacency memory allocated.
Action: Increase memory.
DN.096 |
Short Syntax: DN.096 inp que ovflow Init Msg source cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.096 Input queue overflow Initialization Message from source circuit number network network_name
Description: The DECnet input queue overflowed for incoming Initialization Message. The forwarder drops the packet.
Cause: There is too much traffic for the forwarder.
Action: Adjust circuit costs to balance traffic between paths. Reconfigure network. Increase speed of router.
Cause: Inadquate buffer resources.
Action: Examine memory statistics in GWCON. To make more buffers available, ensure that the DECnet configuration does not have excess adjacency memory allocated.
Action: Increase memory.
DN.097 |
Short Syntax: DN.097 inp que ovflow Verif Msg source cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.097 Input queue overflow Verification Message from source circuit number network network_name
Description: The DECnet input queue overflowed for incoming Verification Message. The forwarder drops the packet.
Cause: There is too much traffic for the forwarder.
Action: Adjust circuit costs to balance traffic between paths. Reconfigure network. Increase speed of router.
Cause: Inadquate buffer resources.
Action: Examine memory statistics in GWCON. To make more buffers available, ensure that the DECnet configuration does not have excess adjacency memory allocated.
Action: Increase memory.
DN.098 |
Short Syntax: DN.098 inp que ovflow Hlo/Tst Msg source cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.098 Input queue overflow Hello/Test Message from source circuit number network network_name
Description: The DECnet input queue overflowed for incoming Hello/Test Message. The forwarder drops the packet.
Cause: Too much traffic for forwarder to forward.
Action: Adjust circuit costs to balance traffic between paths. Reconfigure network. Increase speed of router.
Cause: Inadquate buffer resources.
Action: Examine memory statistics in GWCON. To make more buffers available, ensure that the DECnet configuration does not have excess adjacency memory allocated.
Action: Increase memory.
DN.099 |
Short Syntax: DN.099 max rclls rchd cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.099 Maximum recalls attempts reached on circuit number network network_name
Description: An outgoing circuit reached it maximum allowed retries to set up an X.25 virtual circuit to the remote node. This circuit places no more calls until you take the required action.
Action: Check connectivity to the X.25 switch. Then disable and enable the circuit to try calling again.
DN.100 |
Short Syntax: DN.100 Init Msg err; cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.100 Initialization Message format error; circuit number network network_name
Description: The router received an Initialization Message with invalid header information. The forwarder drops the packet.
DN.101 |
Short Syntax: DN.101 Init Msg err - wrg ver; source_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.101 Received Initialization Message specifying unsupported version; from source_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: The router received an Initialization Message that specified an unsupported version number. The forwarder drops the packet.
DN.102 |
Short Syntax: DN.102 Init Msg rcvd; source_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.102 Received Initialization Message; from source_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: The router received an Initialization Message.
DN.103 |
Short Syntax: DN.103 Verif Msg rcvd; source_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.103 Received Verification Message; from source_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: The router received a Verification Message.
DN.104 |
Short Syntax: DN.104 Verif fail; source_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.104 Verification failure; from source_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: Verification failure. The router detected an error in the Verification Message.
DN.105 |
Short Syntax: DN.105 Hlo/tst fail; source_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.105 Error detected in processing Hello/Test Message; from source_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: The router detected an error in processing the Hello/Test Message. The forwarder drops the packet.
DN.106 |
Short Syntax: DN.106 Hlo/Tst Msg rcvd; source_node, cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.106 Received Hello/Test Message; from source_node, circuit number network network_name
Description: The router received a Hello/Test Message from a neighbor.
DN.107 |
Short Syntax: DN.107 no buffer for Init Msg on cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.107 No buffer to build Initialization Message to send on circuit number network network_name
Description: No packet buffer was available to construct and send an Initialization Message.
Cause: Severe packet buffer shortage.
Action: Check memory statistics in GWCON to verify packet buffer level. If possible, make routing tables smaller. To do this in DECnet, minimize the number of adjacencies allowed. (Configure EXECUTOR MAXIMUM BROADCAST ROUTERS and EXECUTOR MAXIMUM BROADCAST NONROUTERS to minimum appropriate values.) If the router cannot make the routing tables smaller, increase memory size.
Cause: Traffic peak using all available buffers.
Action: If this message occurs infrequently, this is the problem.
DN.108 |
Short Syntax: DN.108 Snd fail for Init Msg; cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.108 Send failed for Initialization Message on circuit number network network_name
Description: The transmission of a router Initialization Message failed on the specified circuit. Occasional occurrences of this will not disrupt the protocol, but continuing occurrences will disrupt the protocol.
DN.109 |
Short Syntax: DN.109 snd Init Msg; cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.109 Sending Initialization Message on circuit number network network_name
Description: The router is sending an Initialization Message on the indicated circuit.
DN.110 |
Short Syntax: DN.110 Snd fail for Verif Msg; cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.110 Send failed for Verification Message on circuit number network network_name
Description: The transmission of a router Verification Message failed on the specified circuit.
DN.111 |
Short Syntax: DN.111 snd Verif Msg; cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.111 Sending Verification Message on circuit number network network_name
Description: The router is sending a Verification Message on the indicated circuit.
DN.112 |
Short Syntax: DN.112 Snd fail for Hlo/TstMsg; cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.112 Send failed for Hello/Test Message on circuit number network network_name
Description: The transmission of a router Hello/Test Message failed on the specified circuit.
DN.113 |
Short Syntax: DN.113 snd Hlo/Tst Msg; cir number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.113 Sending Hello/Test Message on circuit number network network_name
Description: The router is sending a Hello/Test Message on the indicated circuit.
DN.114 |
Short Syntax: DN.114 x25 reg fail
Long Syntax: DN.114 Registration with X25 service failed
Description: The forwarder could not register with X.25 services on the interface.
DN.115 |
Short Syntax: DN.115 call req to x25 fail; intf number net network_name
Long Syntax: DN.115 Call request to X25 service failed on interface number network network_name
Description: The forwarder's call request to X.25 services failed on the indicated network.